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Featured Service
Wedding gown cleaning and preservation

A once in a lifetime gown, can now last a lifetime.

Thanks to modern technology your Wedding Gown or keepsake clothing can be preserved for the next generation. We use Prestige Preservation's "MuseumStyle"™ Heirloom preservation.

These storage boxes feautre state-of-the-art moisture and oxygen control technology. Traditional wedding boxes do not protect or guarentee against oxidation or "yellowing" of the gown. This advanced system guarentees that your gown will be as good as the day it was worn.

Here's how:
-Garment is expertly cleaned and thoroughly inspected
-Carefully placed and sealed in an acid free inner box for humidity control
-Oxygen is purged and replaced with an inert gas to prevent oxidation
-Sealed package allows viewing of gown and veil at any time
-The inner box is placed in a durable long-term storage chest for additional safety

Contact us today to schedule your garment preservation. Each day that passes allows further deterioration of your valuable keepsake!


American Cleaners & Launderers | 401 Broadway St, Alexandria, MN 56308 | (320)763-4800
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