Winter is upon Minnesota. And that means it's time to take your seasonal garments out of the closet in order to bundle up and stay warm. We get alot of use out of our trusted winter garments here in the north and sooner or later we notice just how much use they have received. It is virtually inevitable! Coffee spills, slush, mud & solar salt stains and more.
Did you know that most fabrics known for their ability to keep the "cold out" require special care? It's true. And like many, these winter garments are some of the most expensive items in your wardrobe. Wool, fur, leather, fine fleece and more. We'd like to help you keep those items looking their best and protect them from being permanently damaged by improper cleaning techniques.
There you will find the manufacturers suggested method of cleaning. Aside from the "dryclean only" instruction that is common, you will discover that many of your winter wear labels read "hand wash." These items will benefit greatly from our professional services in order to keep them effective against the cold and looking their best. Even the latest man-made "cold-fighting materials" will be best maintained by experienced cleaning methods so they will last for many winters to come. Tip #2 ACT FAST
When wearing a garment as often as a daily winter coat, it's impossible to avoid spills, stains and overall wear. When a spill or stain occurs "act fast." If only lightly removed and left to set-in the stain will sink deep within the fibers of your garment and become a "magnet" for more dirt, grime and oils from your body. Bringing your garment to us right away will save you much in comparison to replacing an expensive winter coat. Especially your ski and snowboard wear! Tip #3 PREVENTATIVE CARE
Much like your carpet at home, natural fiber winter wear will pick up dust and particles. Although invisible to our eye, this causes the fibers to eventually mat and will affect the durability of your garment ...especially fur items! Over the length of a "wearing season" allow American Cleaners to keep your items as fresh as your other items that are worn and washed regularly!
When winter FINALLY comes to an end ...bring your seasonal garment items to American Cleaners for a final professional and detailed cleaning before storing them away until next year!