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Providing you with more time for the important things.

Viewing and storing your keepsake clothing is availalbe with our preservation services.

Don't put if off another day!

Finding more efficient ways for your laundry and drycleaning tasks to be completed quickly, professionally and affordably. That's our goal at American Cleaners.

Studies show that home laundering and ironing are one of the most disliked household tasks. Fortunately, there is a better option for you and your clothes.

American Cleaners and Launderers has been a staple of the downtown district of Alexandria. More importantly, it has become the trusted source for professional laundry and drycleaning services for a well-established and fast-growing region.

Family run since 1979, American Cleaners is owned by Nathan Hansen. Nathan and his parents have over 50 years of collective experience in the industry. You can rest assured that quaility and integrity preside over all services related to your garments and other valuable items.

American Cleaners employs pressers with the skill and expertise needed to restore your garments to their original or near-original appearance. Expert pressing preserves the proper fit, hand and drape of your garment in a way that is near impossible to acheive at home.

American Cleaners has transitioned over to the latest industry leading processes and equipment in order to provide you and your garments only the best. This also includes utilizing environmentally safe process chemicals and methods. We're keeping things clean now and "into the future."




Winter is here! Many of your seasonal outerwear items require special care to look their best.

Let us help!

Monday - Friday 8am to 5pm
Saturday 9am to Noon
Closed Sunday

American Cleaners & Launderers | 401 Broadway St, Alexandria, MN 56308 | (320)763-4800
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